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Salvation in three phases

Writer's picture: Ronald GabrielsenRonald Gabrielsen

Israelites’ journey from Egypt to the Promised Land is a powerful illustration of the Christian life. Egypt symbolizes the sinful world, and the journey through the wilderness is a great illustration of the pilgrim journey believers need to go through. But before the people of Israel fully could embark on their journey there were some steps that needed to be taken in order prepare them. This process unfolds in three distinct phases, each symbolising a vital element in the believer’s salvation experience.

The first part of this process involved applying the blood of the Passover lamb to the doorposts of their houses, foreshadowing Jesus as “the Lamb of God” (John 1:29). Just as the blood of the lamb spared the Israelites from judgment, Christ’s blood cleanses us from sin and delivers us from condemnation.

The second part was breaking free from Egypt, which symbolizes the ungodly world and the power sin holds over us. Passing through the Red Sea marked their separation from Egypt, just as baptism signifies our separation from the old life of sin.

The third part involved the cloud and pillar of fire that guided Israel through the wilderness, representing the role of the Holy Spirit. Just as God sent His presence to lead them, He has sent the Holy Spirit to be our helper and guide on our journey of faith.

The Blood of the Passover Lamb: Redemption through Christ

The first step in salvation is the forgiveness of sin and deliverance from judgment. Jesus said, “…he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him…” (John 3:36). However, when we are saved, Paul declares that Jesus “…wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us…” and did this by “…nailing it to the cross…” (Col 2:14).

The Israelites were saved from death by the blood of the Passover lamb, foreshadowing the righteousness we receive through Jesus’ sacrifice. The apostle Paul draws this parallel in 1 Corinthians 5:7, stating that “... Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us ...”

It is through Jesus’ blood that we are redeemed and forgiven. Paul writes, “…[God] has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.” (Col 1:13-14).

  • Ephesians 1:7 affirms, “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.”

  • Colossians 1:20 explains that God made “peace by the blood of His cross.”

  • Revelation 1:5 declares that Jesus “has freed us from our sins by His blood.”

Just as the Israelites needed the blood from the Passover lamb to escape the judgment (Exodus 12:23), we need Christ’s sacrifice to be freed from the penalty of sin.

Baptism in water: Separation from the Old Life

Salvation is not just about having our sins forgiven; it also requires a separation from the old life. Paul highlights the symbolism in 1 Corinthians 10:2, saying that the Israelites “... were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea ...”. This foreshadows two essential baptisms in the Christian journey:

  • Baptism in water (the sea): A separation that brok the stronghold Egypt had on them.

  • Baptism in the Holy Spirit (the cloud):  An empowerment for the new life.

The Baptism in Water: Breaking Sin’s Dominion

Although the Israelites were marked by the blood of the Passover lamb, they were still slaves in Egypt. Even as they set out to leave, Pharaoh’s army pursued them. It was not until they crossed the Red Sea and the waters closed behind them that they were truly free.

Similarly, 1 Peter 3:20-21 connects Noah’s salvation through water to baptism, signifying a decisive break from the old sinful world. Just as the flood separated Noah from the old world, baptism marks our separation from the life of sin and our transition into new life in Christ.

Paul reinforces this in Romans 6:4-6, explaining that baptism symbolizes the burial of the “old man”, signifying our freedom from slavery to sin. While baptism itself does not grant forgiveness—that is accomplished through Christ’s blood—it marks our transition into a new life where we are set free from sin’s dominion. In this sense, baptism can be said to save us from sin—or that we are saved through baptism—but it does not replace the significance or the essential role of Christ’s blood in our salvation. Rather, it serves as an important step in our journey of faith, marking our separation from sin and entry into new life in Christ.

Baptism in the Holy Spirit: Power for the Journey

Crossing the Red Sea was not the end of Israel’s journey—it was only the beginning. As they prepared to travel toward the Promised Land, they needed divine guidance, which came in the form of a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night. This symbolises the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives today, leading and directing us on our spiritual journey.

Even after receiving the Holy Spirit in John 20:22, Jesus instructed His disciples to wait for the “... Promise of the Father ...” (Acts 1:4), which they received on the Day of Pentecost. This demonstrates that salvation includes a second experience—one that empowers believers for a supernatural walk with God.

Jesus emphasised the necessity of this baptism, telling His disciples to, “… tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high…” (Luke 24:49). Later, as He continued to teach on the Holy Spirit, He declared, “... You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you ...” (Acts 1:8).

A Threefold Cord: The Complete Salvation Experience

On the Day of Pentecost, when people asked Peter what they must do to be saved, he responded with a threefold answer (Acts 2:38):

  1. Repentance – Acknowledging their sin, turning away from it, and placing their faith in Christ.

  2. Baptism in water – Burying the “old man” and identifying with Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection.

  3. Receiving the Holy Spirit – Being empowered to live the Christian life.

This pattern reflects the full process of salvation, as seen throughout the New Testament. Peter’s response was not optional—it was a call to full obedience. Jesus is not just our Savior; He is our Lord. We are not meant to pick and choose which aspects of salvation to accept. 

Just as the Israelites needed the blood of the lamb to be saved from judgment, we must apply the blood of Christ, the Lamb of God, to our lives to escape condemnation.

Just as the people of Israel needed to pass through the Red Sea to break Egypt’s hold over them, we need baptism to break the dominion of sin in our lives.

And just as the Israelites depended on the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night for guidance, we need the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit to lead us on our discipleship journey.

A Strong Foundation for Discipleship

Many believers stop at repentance, while others go as far as baptism but never experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit. However, as disciples, we need all three elements of salvation: repentance, water baptism, and the baptism in the Holy Spirit.

Ecclesiastes 4:12 declares, “... A threefold cord is not quickly broken ...” In the same way, embracing all three aspects of salvation strengthens us to stand firm in our faith. If these steps were essential for the first disciples, how much more are they needed today?

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